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Red IPA (American Red IPA)

The Red IPA (or American Red IPA), is a modern substyle of the popular IPA. It combines the well-known hop-forward character, with waves of rich malted flavours you would usually associate with a Red ale. This style is known for its deep ruby red hue and complex malt backbone that's balanced with an assertive hop.

The Red IPA has a diverse flavour that can range from floral to fruity depending on the hops used. these bitter hops are balanced with a strong and sweet malt backbone, with notes of caramel, toffee, and sometimes a slight toastiness or nuttiness. This beer is visually striking with a deep red hue and a robust frothy head that's extremely inviting.

Red IPAs have a full body with a smooth creamy texture, the carbonation is moderate which helps to keep the finish refreshing and balance out the richness.


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