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Gose Beers

Gose beer is a unique German beer style, known for its soured, slightly salty subtle coriander flavour (say that 3 times fast). These tart and refreshing beers originated in Leipzig and also have a wheat base making them also a wheat beer. For those looking for a sweeter balance there is also a fruit gose beer variation.

The ABV typically varies from 4%-5% so these are light alcohol beers you can enjoy a few of on a hot summer's day. The Gose beer certainly has a flavour profile unlike most so it should appeal to anyone looking for a new experience.

Despite it’s traditional German brewing foundations there have been some exciting modern adaptations. Magic Rock Brewing have caught the eye of beer drinkers across the country with “Salty Kiss” an amplification of the original Gose style, including the British staple the gooseberry. Põhjala Brewery also offers a range of innovative fruited gose creations that are globally renowned.


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